Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fragment on a Fragment

This, also from Epigrams, also appeared in Lyric.

So long as men shall live      The broken page
said nothing more.  Although the dust


Agnes said...


Maybe it's too early to think about...


Anonymous said...

I think it's

CoralPoetry said...

Hi, Richard,

Are you inventing these anonymous contributors to your blog? If so, I assume that you will be happy to receive a comment or a poem from a real person:

RHE kindly aerates QED
He hauls up posts from 1863,
waves his pedantic logisticus around,
And Great Ideas spring from every frond -
Shame he only appeals to frisky goats.

Kind regards,

CoralPoetry said...


Having been barred from working – including keyboarding potential poems at the computer, I would like to point out that the poem above was created with a pen and paper from my sickbed and it was the sum total painful literary output for that day.
