Monday, April 03, 2023

Intro Hydraulics

 This appeared in the Deronda Review.

The pattern of the rain on glass

Is law bound, but I've never known

That law, and when the drops surpass

All reason in the shape and speed,

Only a textbook could have shown

An explanation or a need.

This is a horsie, that me mum.

There is Aunt Sophie, warped with pain.

I see three rodents, deaf and dumb

And blind. If God would play this game,

There would be floods on plains in Spain.

There would be dead without a name;

But God knows what God knows. He may

Have planned the shape of little drips,

Which drops abscond and which seek stay

Of execution. I don't know.

Stream after stream, the water slips

Where wracks of able seamen go.

I've heard it said that when the horn

Is played in court, the waters will

Reveal lost bones, and men reborn

Will dance upon their former veins.

Deep waters run till then and still,

The windows clean, those shining panes.

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