Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Bobs and Jimmies

         This appeared in Lyric.

The streets our fathers played in they describe

Over and over, looking out at air

Peopled with places we've been told were theirs,

Home to some far-fetched prehistoric tribe

Of Normans, Bobs, and Jimmies. These are now

Grandsires to a clan who do not hear.

No streetcars run down Skinker. I see how

Amid my life my life could disappear.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dead Grandpa Shops at Walmart at 4 a.m.


Nail clippers, maybe, no more aftershave.

No shiny trainers, sextet of latte cups.

A groundcloth sounds quite nice, and wind-up toys

To fill the void with clackety-clacks and beeps;

But who to wind them up? The waitress said--

Next plot but one--Here, let me freshen that.

Disarming, but without real consequence.

Clean underwear, in case of accident,

Would please The Inner Mom, but accidents

Happen to others now, and he has leaked

And spilled his substance on Aisle 17.

His sepsis seeps away, and all his toys.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Wells of Time


This will transport you to the elder times,
Fire like slabs of meat and smells so strong
They pound the air in dactyls. In a pinch
You can recite your “Please, Sir, send me home,”
There where the heart is, but no wolverines
Or kettles of boiling grease or water nymphs.
What would you give to have your teeth decay
Authentically, to wear a powdered wig,
To spread your plot with nightsoil, or to fetch
A fair price on the open market? Home
Is what you looked like when you were a boy;
But now you’re not. Now you could almost stay
Old as the hills when hills were young, and you
Were cold and muddy. Please, Sir, send me home.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

That’s Rory For You

The bugs have their names, too. This one is Rory.
His life was hard and brief. No winged glory Surmounts its end; a splintered carapace Hangs in no hall. He found it no disgrace To die of snow and never tell his story, Nor knew he had a point. And that was Rory.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Nothing of the Kine: An Idyll


Horrors, the lazy currents seem to spell

Saxon-ish imprecations on the pond.
Pathetic in their fallacies, the frogs
Croak in distaste; the serried midges form
An arrow pointing at the horrid words,
The word made wet, a stranger in their mist.
If words could kill, we all would die, the cow
Observes beyond her fence. She has been told
All cows eat grass. I don't know if that's true,
She tells her stablemate, but why take chances?
I wager it is so, and so I eat.
Grass is its own reward. The shrieking pond
Is turtle-proud, but in a world of woe,
We keep to beaten ways, as best we can,
And distance ourselves from the shellfish sort,
The gravitas-less insects, and the fowl;
But, oh, how the amphibious betray
Lack of commitment. Low, she says. We're born,
And no one knows a single thing thereafter.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

The Tempest


The air is full of music, but the isle

Gets bad reception. Under every rock
Scamper the grubs that were somebody else--
Will be again. The Ghost of Christmas Past
Or The Nobel Prizewinner for the Blues.
Thrones go unoccupied, but fires set
At twilight smell of camphor, and great moths
Sing little liebestods while sailing in.
The stars are green. True love never runs smooth,
But walks at a brisk pace. The wind blows warm
Across the bay, where seals on plaster rocks
Snore gently, dreaming dreams of fish. The eyes
Of magi close as well. The roads are waxed:
Young lovers slip away, concealed by mist
Imported just for them. It rains and rains.
It rains and rains, and ships capsize, the crews
Borne to the shore on water wings. They find
The aborigines, diaphanous
In raindrops, dancing pas de deux, de trois,
Wrapped round themselves and singing, Liberty.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

The House the Hoarder Had

It’s 90 in the shade. The hawthorn shares

Its leaves, its thorns, botanical debris,

And squirrels and does it all ungrudgingly,

All without affect. If it thinks, it thinks

Of roots and where they’re headed, of the nice

Vitreous clay pipe a little to the south,

Not of the hoarder and the house she had

Across the street. Tornadoes would have loved it.

The ambience was right, the floor a blitz

Of concrete, mud, and glass. It showed no shame

And more shade, even, than the hawthorn tree;

And shades await, if all the tales are true,

Across the tracks from piles of beauty books,

Tampon boxes, milk of magnesia sweet

As locust shells, and bags of dried-up pens.

The hawthorn leaves are planning for October.